Riferimenti Bibliografici

Giuliana Garzone

AMATO, A. - MEAD, P. (2002), "Interpreting in the 21st Century: What Lies Ahead. Summary of the Closing Panel Discussion", in GARZONE, G. - VIEZZI, M. (eds.), Interpreting in the 21st Century. Challenges and Opportunities, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company: 295-301.
APEL, F. (1983/1993), Il manuale del traduttore letterario, Milano, Guerini e Associati (trad. it. G. Rovagnati; ed. orig. Literarische Übersetzung, 1983).
DRESSLER, W.U. (1994), "The Text Pragmatics of Participant Roles in Oral Interpretation and Written Translation", in LORGNET, M.A. (a cura di), Atti della Fiera Internazionale della Traduzione II, 3-6 dicembre 1992, Bologna, CLUEB: 97-110.
ECO, U. (1995), "Riflessioni teorico-pratiche sulla traduzione", in NERGAARD, S. (a cura di) (1995), Teorie contemporanee della traduzione, Milano, Bompiani: 121-146.
EVEN-ZOHAR, I. (1987/1995), "La posizione della letteratura tradotta all'interno del polisistema letterario", in NERGAARD, S. (a cura di) (1995), Teorie contemporanee della traduzione, Milano, Bompiani: 225-238.
GUMPERZ, J. - LEVINSON, S. C. (eds.) (1996), Rethinking Linguistic Relativity, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
HALL, E.T (1959/1984), The Silent Language, Garden City N.Y., Doubleday.
HOFSTEDE, G. (1991), Cultures and Organizations. Software of the Mind, London, McGraw-Hill.
HOLMES, J.S. (1972/1988), "The Name and Nature of Translation Studies", in HOLMES, J.S. (1988), Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies, 2nd ed., Amsterdam, Rodopi: 66-80.
KONDO, M. - TEBBLE, H. - ALEXIEVA, B. - DAM, H. - KATAN, D. - MIZUNO, A. - SETTON, R. - ZALKA, I. (1994), "Intercultural Communication, Negotiation, and Interpreting", in GILE, D. - GAMBIER, Y. - TAYLOR, C. (eds.) (1994), Conference Interpreting: Current Trends in Research, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company: 149-166.
LEFEVERE, A. - BASSNETT, S. (1990), Translation, History and Culture, Pinter, London and New York.
NEWMARK, P. (1988), A Textbook of Translation, Lond, Prentice Hall.
NISKA, H. (2002), "Community Interpreter Training. Past, Present, Future", in GARZONE, G. - VIEZZI, M. (eds.), Interpreting in the 21st Century. Challenges and Opportunities, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company: 133-144.
PÖCHHACKER, F. (1994), "Quality assurance in simultaneous interpreting", in DOLLERUP, C. - LINDEGAARD, A., Teaching Translation and Interpreting 2. Insights, Aims, Visions, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company: 233-242.
REISS, K. - VERMEER, H. (1984), Grundlegung einer allgemeinen Translationstheorie, Tübingen, Niemeyer.
ROY, C. (1990), "Interpreters, thier Role and Metaphorical Language Use", in WILSON, A.L. (ed.), Looking Ahead: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the American Translators Association, Medford NJ, Learned Information: 77-86.
RUDVIN, M. (2002), "How Neutral Is Neutral? Issues in Interaction and Participation in Community Intrepreting", in GARZONE, G. - MEAD, P. - VIEZZI, M. (eds.) (2002), Perspectives on Interpreting, Bologna, CLUEB: 217-233.
SNELL-HORNBY, M. (1990), "Linguistic Transcoding or Cultural Transfer? A Critique of Translation Theory in Germany", in LEFEVERE, A. - BASSNETT, S. (1990): 79-86.
TOURY, G. (1980), In Search of a Theory of Translation, Tel Aviv, The Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics.
TOURY, G. (1995), Translation Studies and Beyond, Amsterdam & Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publishing Company
VERMEER, H.J. (1983), "Translation Theory and Linguistics", in ROINILA, P. - ORFANOS, R. - TIRKKONEN-KONDIT, S. (eds), Näkökohtia käänämisen tutkimuksesta, Joensuu: 1-10.
VERMEER, H.J. (1996), A Skopos Theory of Translation (Some Arguments For and Against), Heidelberg, TektContext Wissenchaft.
WADENSJÖ C. (1998), Interpreting as Interaction, London & New York. Longman.

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