Devoted to brain injured children

Edited by Maria Simona Bellini

Translation from Italian by Diana Nadalini


in Italiano



by Alessandro & Fanny Viterbo,

parents of Yoel (Israel)



Tsad kadimah (one step forward) is a parents and professionals organization that introduced the "Peto" method of "conductive education" to Israel. The "Peto" method was developed in Hungary and adapted to the Israeli system. It is a special method for children and adolescents with severe motor limitations deriving from cerebral paralysis(palsis)

In the first stage, the organization sent Israeli student to Hungary to study the conductive education. These students are now conducting various programs in Israel.

The second step was to develop a program in Israel,together with the Peto institute, to train new conductors in order to increase their activity and spread the method.

The conductive education is essentially an educational-psychological method that focuses on the personality of the child, including all the physiological and medical aspects.

The appeal of the method lies in its approach, which considers the absence of functionality of the child to be a determining factor in the handicap, in addition to the physical one. This absence of functionality derives principally from a psycho-educative problem, which is, in turn, a result of the physical lesion.

The activities of "Tsad Kadimah" are principally:

  • Educational reabilitation center in Rishion le-Zion composed kindergarten and school classes for 35 children leading to a gradual inclusion in the neighboring regular elementary school.
  • Kindergarten in Jerusalem for 7 children coming from different parts of town.
  • Complementary education programs ("afterschool" type programs) for children and adolescents with cerebral palsis that are enrolled in regular schools.
  • Special programs for teenagers (12-18 years) to prepare them for an independent life in community and to develop basic skills for a successful inclusion in society.

    The main goal of the conductive education, as it has been developed in Israel, is to bring the child to functional independence, inclusion in the regular educational system and to an active and maximal participation in society.

    ALESSANDRO VITERBO, e.Mail aviterbo@internet-zahav.net 

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